Kilgore Books & Comics

publishing fine comics since 2009

There are two independent allies in the Mighty Kilgore Empire. There website is the home base for the Kilgore Books & Comics publishing concern, based in College Park, MD. Please use the form below to contact us. 

There is also the Kilgore Books & Comics retail shop, based at: 624 E. 13th Ave., Denver CO, 80203 (right next to Wax Trax records in Capitol Hill). You may reach the shop by calling 303-815-1979, or by emailing them at Currently, they are open seven days a week from11am-6pm, but you may want to call and check just to make sure. 

While we are friends, and allies in the war against banality, the two enterprises are distinct and run by different people. Please reach out to the proper outlet through the appropriate channel.  

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